
Камилла Росвен (Московская обл., Россия) – родилась в Казахстане, г. Байконур. Все детство провела в Кыргызстане, что наложило отпечаток в душе, с самого детства увлекалась творчеством и иностранными языками. Свое выражение находила в создании стихов, рассказов. А так же по ныне являюсь свободным художником, пишу картины и создаю иллюстрации. Искусством нужно вдохновляться, жить и его создавать.

Country: Russia

Kamilla Rhoswen – (Moscow Region, Russia) – I was born in Kazakhstan, Baikonur city. All my childhood i spend in another beautiful country –Kyrgyzstan. So, it left an imprint in my soul, since childhood I was fond of creativity and Arts and foreign languages. Its expression was found in the creation of poems, short stories. And now I am a freelance artist, I draw pictures and create illustrations. The arts need to be inspired, to live and to create.

Двойник(The Double) by Kseniya Fedorova

My father flew in a long time alone into the darkness and then finally found himself in his garage
at last. The gate was a half-opened. The Mityok and his devoted friend to and
crush the bottle" since recent time were sitting on the rickety chairs-and a stranger in an oiled
unbuttoned sweatshirt, under which a vest was seen.
A knitted absurd cap with a big visor of an undefined color disguised a physiognomy.
— Oh! Bro, come on, sit down, you'll be the third! — rejoiced Mityok, and immediately from
nowhere on the inverted wooden box there was a newspaper with a herring wrapped in it, three
glasses and a bottle of vodka.
The father was confused.
"Did it dream?"- He thought about the disappearance of Vera, her strange drawings and the
tunnel in which they flew with his wife.
Why a stranger shouted in a goat’s voice. "Sit down, and take a load off
your feet." Well have a little drink, and you know how to feel better now.
Mityok yanked his father by the sleeve and seat him beside. Drank on one and have a snack.
— A-a-a-and! Good as! — the man in the sweatshirt sang in a shaky voice. — And soul sings in
My father cheered up. The circumstances which he got into his garage did not seem so strange to
him already. Word by word, sidekicks began to speak "for life", thundered the tare. The stranger
did not introduce himself, he was happy, poured into glasses and took out the head of onions,
then a slice of bacon from his bosom. Lenok came, a new father's passion, sat on his knees and
drank a liqueur glass. Started a stormy party: dirty jokes, tore to shreds the authorities, mothers-
in-law and spouses.
Only here, you will understood, brother!" — bleated the stranger in a cap and hugged his father's
And him, languished from the drunk, suddenly, he began to boast of how cleverly he was setting
everyone at home up, as everyone is afraid him at work. Lenok giggled and winked at one or to
the other.
— Respect! Man! Mityok drunkenly muttered and with a sense kissed the bottle with a vodka.
"They are annoying me, this wife, Verka!"- Complained the owner of the garage. — Here they are
where already I have! Go to hell!
"Well, let’s go!" — A new drinking companion gave a start, and hops from him were gone.
He is cheerfully jumped to his father, who was already thinking badly, threw his arm around his
neck, grabbed him by the back and hurried him to the exit.
— Lenok! You, sit here, now. Wait for me! — muttered his father, and his girlfriend, meanwhile,
continued to pour a pigtail laugh at the jokes of Mitok.
Swaying like a blade of grass in the wind and leaning on each other, the father and his guide
looked around to where they looked. Suddenly Vera's dad stopped and looked inquiringly at the
— And what is your name?
Like you," he said, and lifted the cap to his occiput. His double looked at his father!
— What are you doing? — Dad was dumbfounded, but immediately the features of the drinking
companion changed quickly, and before him appeared the most ordinary face, which in the Urals
and in Russia there is a dime a dozen: reddish, unshaven, with fish — eyes on the roll out, with
complete absence of any intelligent thought.
Do you  not be so joking Sighed his father, and something tensed in him.
Soon they approached the bridge through a small river. The legs no longer obeyed, and they sat
down on the grass to rest. The double crouched sympathetically:

"Do you want to live happily?"
Father nodded.
— All arrange everything for you. You will become the director of the plant, you will move in the
Father joyfully snorted, but then the clouds grew darker:
"But who will allow me?"
— Friend! Do you want freedom?
Father nodded with his agreement.
"I have a connection, I'll whisper, who needs it," the stranger drummed. "You'll go to Moscow
and be a man." And Lenok — with you. Is it Okey?
Dad bloomed from the bright prospects, fell on his back in the grass and spread his arms:
— And flying-and-and-so!
The double took the same pose and began to echo:
How the birds fly! Towards happiness! I will give you freedom! No one will need you, buddy.
But you do not need anyone else. Is it Deal?
And he quickly stretched out his wry hand in the red freckles.
But my father was so moved by the anticipation of a new life that he only lazily drove his eyes
through the floating clouds and smiled blissfully.
— Yes, it’s so-so cool, bro! He muttered delightedly. — And for this you need to do something?
The stranger abruptly sat down, and, adjusting in a greasy vest with a tie on his shoulders, made
a goatee like a goat:
— We-e-ell, uh … it»s not free, you know.
Father nodded understanding and grinned. The double groped his hand in the grass and took out
an old cardboard box.
"Do you want a trick? Now I»ll show you your future, — and opened the box.
At the bottom of the film, pictures of his fathers life flashed through: he was the director of the
factory, he keeps walk to the shops. He pushed one or the other, next to him — Lenok in a mink
coat is important. And followed by secretaries with notebooks, assistants everyone’s and all
clever thoughts write it down. Here they are in Moscow, on the Red Square walking, in TSUM
all sellers bow to them, by name and by name-patronymic are treated "Sergey Sergeevich,
anything? Would you like a cup of coffee while you are carrying new clothes?  Elena
Yuryevna, do you as always get from a new collection of Gucci and Versace? Satisfied, rich!


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