Louisa Mamysheva

Страна : Россия

Country : Russia

Ревью на книгу Алдоны Групас Сестричка, дайте мне таблетку для смерти “

The book written by Aldona is with a scary title though true to this transitory life.  Her great nursing experience, particularly geriatric, teaches, inspires, gives food for thought and further action. Aldona’s path to achieving her goals and dreams abroad has been thorny, but in the end, she reaps the fruits of her hard labour being a committed and dedicated to her life’s work taking care of those who need relieving their suffering.  She mentions her family, husband and their constant efforts to find a job in England where people of different nationalities often take some time to be assimilated into a country though making it diverse and interesting. Aldona describes the people she met on her path friends, fellow-citizens, colleagues, mentors, coaches who influenced her life, she stresses attention on constant personal and professional development, the importance of the caring professions such as nursing and social work that are involved with looking after those who are unable to care for themselves especially the sick and the elderly who need help in coping with their lives.  She compares western and post-soviet healthcare systems and palliative medicine weighing up all the pros and cons. However, despite the country and system, nurses’ practical work and mission worldwide at nursing and residential homes is so valuable in addition to lending moral support to residents and their families. Nowadays more and more should be trained to care for the elderly, sick and infirm. Aldona, having issued her book has become a role model for many who sincerely intend to help and care to love and dare!

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