Страна : США
Меня зовут Надежда Серебренникова. В прошлом я учитель, дизайнер и журналист, ныне — блогер и писатель. Мой псевдоним в Калифорнии, где я живу с 2013 года — Hope Silver. Удобно иметь имя, которое переводится на английский и становится от этого в 3 раза короче.
В июне 2019 года мой роман “Родиться вопреки” был опубликован в США на английском языке (BORN – AGAINST ALL ODDS).
В 2017-м в Америке увидела свет серия коротких историй “Любопытные вещи”.
Country : USA
I’m a Russian author, born in Siberia. My American pen name is the translation of my lengthy given name, Nadezhda Serebrennikova.
I began my career as a journalist for several newspapers in St. Petersburg, before moving to Karlovy Vary in the Czech Republic, where I completed Born – Against All Odds, my first novel. After winning the green card lottery in 2013, my family and I emigrated to the United States where we live in Berkeley, California.
In 2015, the Russian original of Born—Against All Oddswon the ‘Best Book of the Year’ award in the fantasy genreat the International Russian Writers Competition in Germany. The following year, Krystyna Steiger’s English translation was awarded second prize at the 2016 Open Eurasia 5th International Writers Competition in London.
My collection of flash fiction, Curious Things, published in 2017, endows inanimate objects with human emptions . I’m a writer of children’s stories and a blogger. I like to write about my travels and other adventures.
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