country: Uzbekistan
I’m interested in literature. My poems and stories are published in newspapers and journals of the country and abroad under the pen-name Aliya (as well as Aliya Temuriyzoda). Winner of several republican competitions, three times finalist of the Book Forum (in different categories.) The author of the books «Oq qushlar qo’shig’i» («Swan Song», 2015), «Osmon bir dunyo» («The Sublime World», 2015), «Qalbimdagi samo» («Heaven in my Heart», 2018) and « Maktub» («Letter», 2018). The following book is being prepared for publication – a collection of novels «Muhabbat qissalari» («Stories of Love»). The owner of the badge «Badge of Uzbekistan» (2017).
Иллюстрация к работе Марал Хыдыровой
“Один день большого года или когда вернулся папа”