Отрывок из академической работы “Psychosemantic aspect of youth perception of information from social networks on the example of instagram”
Results of research: in the process of research, new affective meanings were found, since people mean them in certain concepts, objects, phenomena; those we talk about people’s feelings, emotions, feelings when a new car is sold to us, or when choosing a concept for a new product, or when naming a new bookstore, political party, etc.
Factors that designate meaning and what it means for each specific individual have been found. Those categories of evaluation to various objects of the world and some specific brands of products, or new brands; the facts were revealed how a person makes his choice if he buys a new car, or when a deal is concluded and a person signs an agreement, how a person is determined by what mechanisms, when he acquires a new book, or casts his vote when voting in elections (Crawford 1997: 75).
The difference between how a person perceives different objects was found and indicated, that is, how he perceives a product, a brand in comparison with other competitors, in services, how he singles out their superiority, what parameters are important, and what criteria he does not notice. The methodology for deriving the arithmetic mean, the percentage, was used, which helped to draw up a map of how special markets are perceived, where it is visually shown in what they are similar and highlighted by features, compared to the ideal picture.
The applied method made it possible to answer the question — how much differ the offered brands, product concepts, new brands of packaging from those already in stock. Shortcomings and beneficial sides were identified, it was proposed and thought out how to change and improve them.
We have divided people into groups and by types, highlighting those individuals who have the same or similar semantic concepts that are subject to study. Then their portraits were compiled, and data were given by groups with a description according to the criterion of semantic loading.
Currently, due to the popularity of social networks among young people, namely, Instagram, the influence of the information contained there on the subconscious and consciousness of young people has greatly increased. The psychosomatic approach, like experimental psychosemantics, is a relatively new field of Russian psychology that emerged in the early 1970s and is represented primarily by the works of psychologists at Moscow University (Petrenko 97: 5).
Social networks, as the environment in which modern teenagers now spend almost all their time, that’s why the students are influenced and formed by them, being the most important factor in the formation of personality. The relevance of the research topic is due to the increasing variety of social networks, which modern teenagers are very attracted to. Currently, one of the main forms of youth leisure activities has become the pastime on Instagram and social networks. How the students themselves assess the impact of social networks on their own lives, what administrations and teachers need to take into account when working with children — important issues in planning the educational system, as well as the school.
The psychosemantic perception of information by young people on social networks, in particular Instagram, became the topic of the last conference with international participation «Personality-oriented approach as a way of forming students’ creative abilities» in St. Petersburg on April 8, 2017 (Asmolov 2020: 5).
The task of psychosemantics includes the reconstruction of the individual system of meanings, through the prism of which the subject perceives the world, other people, himself, as well as the study of its genesis, structure and functioning. Psychosemantics explores various forms of the existence of meanings in the individual consciousness (images, symbols, communicative and ritual actions, as well as verbal concepts).
The experimental paradigm of psychosemantics is basically borrowed from the works on the construction of semantic spaces by Ch. Osgood (the so-called method of semantic differential) and the theory of personality constructs by J. Kelly (the method of repertoire grids), and includes the use of the apparatus of multidimensional statistics to highlight the categorical structures of the subject’s consciousness As the well-known Russian psychologist Michael Cole writes in the preface to the article “Meaning as Formative Consciousness,” published in Russia and Eastern Europe, “American technological tools are being borrowed to solve traditional Russian problems (Ulanovsky 2018: 218)
Project activity, where the skills of sociological research are applied, contributes to the formation of various key competencies: personal (communicative culture), meta-subject, subject (the ability to analyze the phenomena of social life).
During the implementation of the project, the main metasubject competencies are formed:
Cognitive — the ability to conduct and organize research yourself in order to test a hypothesis; select the main effective ways to solve the problem, explain the relationships and connections identified in the course of the study.
Communicative: planning and organizing educational collaboration with adults and peers.
A social network is an interactive website with many users, the content of which is filled by the network participants themselves.
The users of various social networks have already exceeded one billion people. Many users do not leave their account at all. For each user, the Internet becomes extremely personalized, because the social network remembers all his preferences, forms around him as much as possible an environment that is autistic to his needs.
From about 11 years old, teenagers begin to immerse themselves in communication with their peers. Social networks help them make friends, hobbies, learn a lot of interesting information and get rid of the feeling of loneliness that many teenagers often experience. There, the child finds like-minded people, share experiences, can ask for advice from older comrades.
They limit the options for social media users. Indeed, on the Internet, an ideal image is created, which it often does not correspond to in life.
Social media is a multifaceted product of contemporary culture. Undoubtedly, cultural studies, psychology and philosophy should investigate social networks in modern culture and its influence.
We see the influence of social networks on how users think, especially young people. We are talking about «clip» thinking. The definition of clip thinking over the entire period of its existence is often perceived as negative. In some countries, special trainings are held to struggle clip thinking.
Many researchers show the negative aspects of clip thinking. A person cannot concentrate on information, his ability to analyze is significantly reduced. It becomes difficult to analyze the situation, since the information does not stay in consciousness for a long time and is quickly replaced by a new one. The level of academic performance falls and knowledge is poorly assimilated. Students immediately forget what they have recently been taught and are unable to read classical literature. Vocabulary is becoming very poor (Kozlov 18: 95).
People are susceptible to manipulation and influence. Shortness of marketing information is a very powerful sales tool. Advertising focuses on emotions, a person makes unnecessary purchases more often. The feeling of empathy is weakened. The aggression and violence that people receive on a daily basis from computer screens gradually lowers the threshold of human sensitivity to the feelings of others.
However, clip thinking protects the brain from information overload. Many experts call clip thinking an adaptation mechanism when information technologies develop rapidly. Plus, clip thinking develops multitasking.
D. Boyd has done research and he provides the rationale for online friendship: simple honesty, if you recently met, chatting with your friends, spying on someone’s messages, news; because of the parents; as a bookmark or favorites; it’s easier to refuse. Therefore, there is a big difference between friendships that started in real life and those that happen online.
Sociologist B. Hogan, an employee of the Oxford Internet Institute, after conducting of many studies, points out that most of a person’s close online connections are also offline connections. Therefore, there is no border between real connections and off-line connections. We can verify this assumption based on the empirical data we have obtained. Figure 1 shows the distribution of the number of friends in social networks among people. About a quarter of the respondents have 50 to 100 friends as friends. Two-thirds of the respondents (68%) are “friends” in social networks starting from 50 to 200 accounts (Allakhverdov 2018: 228).
The respondents had to determine how many friends from social networks with whom they communicate in real life as well. On average, 56% of my own friends came from social networks.
A study of how communication in social networks differs between female and male respondents. It turned out that men spend less time on social networks: from 1 to 2 hours — 16%, which is 2.2 times higher than the same indicator for women (Bassler 20: 9)
One of the most widespread classifications of professions is the subject-activity concept of professional labor by E.A. Klimov.
The higher the age, the more the average amount of time a person spends on social networks has increased.
Among those who answered and worked full time, there are much fewer of them — 45%. These data show the fact that respondents correctly perceive the impact of social networks on life and realistically assess the time they spend in them. Based on the answers to those questions in the questionnaire, the hypothesis was confirmed that high school students and college students use social networks much more often than those who work.
Studies have shown that the attachment of young people to social networks is real and very strong, since our brains produce certain substances. These are dopamine and oxytocin. Dopamine is responsible for the sense of pleasure in humans. It excites desire: because of its production, people have a desire for pleasure and people look for ways to satisfy this desire.
Dopamine is followed by oxytocin, the second pleasure hormone. In life, he is responsible for the pleasure received from communication. This desire on social networks changes into a desire to write comments, tweets, and like. For ten minutes of correspondence, the level of oxytocin rises by 10-15%. This kind of development can be compared to that which the just married people feel. There is one thing in common between dopamine, oxytocin and social media. A person cannot resist these hormones (Merchart 19: 36).
Psychological triggers are behind every pleasure, young people are attracted by the fact that they can post their videos, photos and talk about themselves on Instagram. A person loves to talk about himself. 30-40% of the speech of an ordinary person is the information he tells about himself. In social networks, this factor rises to 80% (Honchu 19: 20).
When you see a real person in front of you, it is more difficult to speak, we have to come up with something on the go, there is no time to think over words, also your communicator bothers you and can interrupt you. We can present ourselves as we like on the social network, since no one restricts us there. Psychologists call this phenomenon «self-presentation». Pay attention to «facebook»: the page about yourself aims to increase self-esteem.
According to research by marketers, self-presentation and self-esteem can be increased with the things we buy. Therefore, users of social networks like to show off their purchases and put them on the public display.
67% of people do this to give information that they are interesting personalities and are good individuals. Up to 77% believe that reposts give them the opportunity to maintain relationships with the world. Hence the conclusion: it is not necessary to create some kind of information, content for everyone. It is enough to satisfy and please a certain audience, and she will spread the information further for you (Bigdeli 18: 98).
How to do in a way that the information, what you write down to be shared? To do this, you need to invent, come up with something interesting, unusual. Research shows that the most interesting thoughts are those that question a person’s picture of the world. As in the example with the notorious blue and gold dress: the planet came together in huge disputes, the number of reposts was maximum.
Up to 43% of Facebook users like their friends’ posts at least once a day, 28% — several times a day. We do this because we value the relationship and want to get a response like it. The same thing happens on Instagram: people like you, you like. And this process never ends.
Marketers traditionally believe that the dialogue with the user is of great importance. Engagement is what a long-term relationship is based on. But here you will find a surprise, not all customers and users think so. A significant part of them believe that it is much more important to have common values with the brand than to constantly say something (Quakinin 18: 75).
At the same time, the perception of a person is influenced by the opinion of society, so it is very important for people to share content. Up to 85% of people believe that other people’s opinions allow them to make their own. Historically, only the rich and famous had a portrait. It was a status act of self-love and self-expression. Today, a selfie or self-portrait is a way to get to know yourself through the perception of us by other people. Selfies annoy many people, but it works — other people’s faces seem more attractive to us than anything else.
On Instagram, images of people attract likes 38% more often than usual and gain 32% more comments. Heat maps provide information that we unconsciously look into the eyes of the people shown in the photos. We rarely pay attention to how mobile and changeable our facial expressions are. On the Internet, emoticons and emojis work instead of facial expressions. Up to six million emojis are sent by people every day (Johann Christian August Heinroth 2007: 25).
The most popular tweets always contain emojis or emoticons. There is no need to talk about online chats-there are a lot of smiling or sad faces in them and you can’t go anywhere without them. Anyone who likes to show network emotions is perceived as a sociable and open person. Some big companies have created their own emojis. For example, «Ikea».
Nostalgia is of great importance in social networks— it is a huge platform for market research. It connects generations of people. These publications get a lot of likes.
Because of the feeling of nostalgia, people feel united, they have this idea that a person is not one, and then when we experience this, we are easier to buy something, spend money. Therefore, marketers take advantage of this, reminding the individual of some pleasant fact from his past, he will pay much more and with more desire.
The more people age, the more good tender feelings they have, nostalgia awakens. For example, reading these lines, many readers may cry. Therefore, the market researches use nostalgia for sales purposes. To do this, they investigate the time in which the part of society that they are investigating» sticks», so in the psychology of social networks, they use a lot of things that are close and dear to all people.
Abroad, scientists and psychologists have studied this topic a lot, namely, they looked at how Instagram affects the psyche of people, on psychological perception. There is a lot to reveal here, Instagram has an impact, as there is a lot of body portrayal. Instagram was actually created for sharing pictures, images.
Now the main information in Instagram is how to show sexy celebrities, how they show themselves, show their luxurious bodies, magnificent mansions, the style of their existence. These are the marketing figures.
According to the media marketing agency Mediakix, by 2021, the global market for important people in Instagram will reach 2 billion US dollars. It has previously been shown that online presence is bad for body image due to the fact that there are unrealistic standards and comparisons with other people’s bodies, and recent research is being conducted on social networks, including Instagram. According to one study, the use of social media sites has been shown to increase the obsessive surveillance of teenage girls over their bodies, but such facts are not observed on television or in magazines. Rachel Cohen, a researcher and psychologist at the Black Dog Institute at the University of New South Wales, told BuzzFeed News that interacting with Instagram influencers online has a unique effect on body image and how a person feels about themselves. «The problem with Instagram is that celebrity culture has become almost exponentially and infinitely worse — because it’s not just your elite couple followers or your elite celebrity anymore, it’s your average person now,» Cohen said. «There are so many influencers and people who achieve this status, and there are exponentially more opportunities to compare themselves to people.»
In Kazakhstan, the influence of social networks on the perception of people, especially young people, is also studied by marketers. Since at present, branding of any product-from yogurt to educational services-can be considered not a whim, but a requirement of society. A good brand will help to get the product to the top of the market, while an inadequate one may well justify the failure of the best product. Therefore, recently, the influence of Instagram on the perception of young people has been given considerable attention.
Branding uses a set of quantitative (mass survey) and qualitative (focus groups, in-depth interviews, etc.) research methods. And at the same time, attempts to combine them seem promising, i.e., the identification of unconscious, deeply hidden in the subconscious characteristics of the consciousness of consumers using quantitative measures of their assessment. The possibility of such a combination is provided by one of the projective methods of research – the method of semantic differential.
Let’s look at one of the parts of the brand – the product name. To study the effectiveness of the name, the questionnaire survey procedures are used according to the standard, they evaluate the main components of the respondent’s attitude towards the tested name (brand): cognitive (what do I know?), affective (what do I feel? how do I rate it?) and behavioral (what do I do?). The focus group interview as a research method will not change anything in this regard: the participants describe their feelings using words, while there is also the effect of group dynamics and increases the likelihood of socially desirable answers, in which there is little sincerity (Adam S. 10: 102).
The results obtained in the two variants differ in the fact that the study of the affective and cognitive aspects often coincide, while the behavioral factor often does not coincide. And also as a result of the behavior of the respondents when the brand of the product is purchased (from competitors or from our own) — there is an interest in the manufacturer’s company to find those facts that have an impact, and what will be the behavior of those who will purchase the product in the future. That’s why expensive brand perception research is being conducted.
When the cognitive and affective factors coincide, we understand directly what kind of person we are looking at, their knowledge, feelings, and emotions. What we find in a person is not their emotional factors, but how they think about their emotions. When the affective and cognitive components coincide, it becomes clear that we directly learn from a person about his knowledge, and about his feelings, emotions. Usually, an individual does not have awareness of their true motivation for their behavior in certain circumstances (Chile 2013: 35).
From this comes the main summary: since the behavior factor has a stronger connection with affect, the main task of research is to identify an adequate method for finding the emotional factor, this is the installation factor. It is necessary to understand what the individual actually understands and is aware of when mentioning a particular brand or brand, and not his message in the form of words about what he saw and what emotions he experienced. At the same time, turning to the unconscious part of consciousness, such psychological protection is removed, this is rationalization, and there is also no pressure from the templates used in society when answering.
It is necessary to apply «projective techniques» in a large sense, which will be discussed in this article on its example.
When conducting tests of product brands, there were situations when psychosemantic research methods were used and they had a strong justification and were conducted at a high level.
Results and discussion:
With the help of the study, we came to the conclusion that the use of psychosemantic techniques is extremely justified and it is successfully used in psychological marketing, as well as affects the sale of goods. Young people have a tendency to spend more and more time on Instagram, as this affects the increase in oxytocin and dopamine. People also consider Instagram as an increase in their own self-esteem, a way of self-presentation in society. At the same time, aggression among young people increases, the desire to compete and dominate. Psychological triggers make people buy products and like Instagram posts. As a result of the survey, psychosemantic indicators were identified in percentage terms, how information from social networks is perceived by young people on the example of Instagram, and conclusions were drawn and recommendations were given.
Conclusions and resume: With the help of the study, we came to the conclusion that the use of psychosemantic techniques is extremely reasonable and it is successfully used in psychological marketing, as well as affects the sale of goods. Young people have a tendency to spend more and more time on Instagram, as this affects the increase in oxytocin and dopamine. People also consider Instagram as an increase in their own self-esteem, a way of self-presentation in society. At the same time, the aggression of young people increases, the desire to compete and dominate. Psychological triggers cause people to buy products and like their Instagram posts. As a result of the survey, psychosemantic indicators were identified in percentage terms, how information from social networks is perceived by young people on the example of Instagram, and conclusions were drawn and recommendations were given to teachers.

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