Эпинур Тири

Страна : Казахстан 

Родился в городе Гурьев 1971 году,17 июня,школу окончил серебряной медалью 67 школу  в городе Aлматы 1989 году и в в том же 1989 выиграл республиканскую олимпиаду по политэкономии ,1990 получил признание в университете Джорджа Вашингтона и был без экзаменов принят в данный университет, но не был  выпущен из СССР, так как относился к диссиденству.в 1992 году прогнозировал национальную валюту тенге и  угрозу затопления каспийским морем атырауской и мангистауской областей численностью 2 млн человек-путем синтеза экономики и астробиологии = гелиоэкономика новая наука,в 2013 году стал победителем по секции G-Global среди 10000 математиков мира за работу гравитационная модель в экономике,2011 году получил премию 200000$ от Основателя фейсбук-Марка Цуккерберга-за открытие по эконометрике ,в 1995 был командирован на стажировку в Гарвардский университет для построения моста научного сотрудничества между Академика Наук Казахстана и Руководством Гарвардского Университета -в лице Нейла Рудинштейна ,рекомендация была подписана-академиком Айталиевым Шмидт Мусаевичем,1997 году получил рекомендацию уфимского института математики РАН для прохождения докторантуры в университета Кембридж,рекомендован был Профессором/доктором физ-мат наук Бакировым Наиль  Кутлужановичем ведущими специалистом криптографии РАН,настоящее время являюсь экспертом -«Астанинского Экономического Форума» по мировой экономике и «Астанинского клуба нобелевских лауреатов» ,работаю В структуре Министерства Образования РК и БРЕНД-АМБАССАДОР фонда » Open World»,с 2016 избран членом ньюоркской Академии Наук-Профессор Эконометрики, ученик Академика Юрия Васильевича Прохорова выдающегося математика мира!!!

Country: Kazakhstan

Born in the city of Guryev in 1971, on June 17, he graduated from school with a silver medal from the 67th school in Almaty in 1989 and in the same 1989 won the republican Olympiad in political economy, 1990 received recognition at George Washington University and was admitted to this university without exams, but was not released from the USSR, as he belonged to dissidence.in 1992, he predicted the national currency tenge and the threat of flooding by the Caspian Sea of Atyrau and Mangystau regions numbering 2 million people-through the synthesis of economics and astrobiology = helioeconomics is a new science,in 2013 he became the winner of the G-Global section among 10,000 mathematicians of the world for the work of the gravitational model in economics,in 2011 he received a $ 200,000 prize from the Founder of Facebook-Mark Zuckerberg-for the discovery of econometrics,in 1995 he was sent to Harvard University for an internship to build a bridge of scientific cooperation between the Academician of Sciences of Kazakhstan and the Leadership of Harvard University -represented by Neil Rudinstein,the recommendation was signed by Academician Aytaliev Schmidt Musaevich,in 1997 he received a recommendation from the Ufa Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences for doctoral studies at the University of Cambridge, was recommended by Professor Natalia Kutluzhanovich Bakirov, a leading cryptography specialist of the Russian Academy of Sciences, currently I am an expert of the Astana Economic Forum on the World Economy and the Astana Club Nobel laureates», I work in the structure of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the BRAND AMBASSADOR of the Open World Foundation, since 2016 I have been elected a member of the New York Academy of Sciences-Professor of Econometrics, a student of Academician Yuri Vasilyevich Prokhorov, an outstanding mathematician of the world!!!

Отрывок из академической работы ”Development of education in Kazakhstan in the era of the knowledge economy and global challenges”

Research suggests that a number of interrelated factors, including ‘globalisation’ (Sagintayeva et al., 2021), ‘massification’ (Mhamed, 2017, as cited in  Kurakbayev and Sagintayeva, 2017), ‘’marketisation’ (Floyd and Preston, 2018), ‘decentralisation’ and higher education autonomy (Chapman and Austin,2002;  Heyneman, 2010; Silova,2011, as cited in Sagintayeva and Kurakbayev, 2015) coupled with “privatization, cost-sharing, internationalization and attracting international accreditation agencies” (Sagintayeva and Kurakbayev, 2015, p.199) have become serious challenges for the education system of our country Kazakhstan. As a result, Kazakhstan has been forced to revise and rethink its higher education culture (Sagintayeva, 2013; Sagintayeva et al., 2021), namely the old leadership and management organisational structures (Blaschke et al. 2014, as cited in Floyd and Preston, 2018; Kurakbayev and Sagintayeva,2017, as cited in Kurakbayev and Sagintayeva,2017) towards reinforcing  of “a new form of bureaucracy or neo-bureaucracy” (Farrel & Morris, 2003; Hoggett, 1996, as cited in Gaus et al., 2020, p.1).  Although, it should be noted that the education of Kazakhstan faced global challenges and pressure long before these difficulties appeared. At the same time, we see that these global tendencies, including the recent pandemic have pushed the modern education system of Kazakhstan to the right place; and it is to be hoped that radical changes have contributed to positive changes. However, there is an assumption that “the higher a level of intellectual achievements, discoveries and modernization is, the greater consequences are” (Zubochkina, 2016). Therefore, in order to cope with implications and a ‘kaleidoscopic supercomplexity’ of (pressures, structures, procedures and values), as was described recently by Barnett (2000, as cited in Floyd and Fung, 2017), it is necessary to consolidate of joint efforts of education policy makers, scholars, practitioners (leaders), and the active position of developed countries.

          An analysis of recent studies has shown that by focusing on the European System of Higher Education (ESHE) and the USA education system (Sagintayeva and Kurakbayev,2015; Hartley et al., 2015), Kazakhstan has carried out a comprehensive and large-scale transformation of its education sector (Sagintayeva and Kurakbayev, 2015; Sagintayeva, 2013). In this case, the question arises — why it was necessary? By answering this question, we can note that there are several factors, which have influenced the transformation of the educational sector. First, the desire to be among the leading competitive countries. Secondly, this is the fourth industrial revolution and a shift to a new economic order (Sagintayeva et al., 2021; Vitkovskiy, September, 28, 2018). Thirdly, the extent of the spread of the Internet and related technologies (Vitkovskiy, September, 28, 2018). Fourth, significant changes in the education system around the world (Sagintayeva et al., 2021). At the same time, one should not underestimate other causes of global trends that have led to the trend of ‘regional specialization’ (Vitkovskiy, September, 28, 2018). It is like American-European applied science by focusing on applied and basic research and forming local clusters; Asian engineering and Arab culture (countries with human potential and economic knowledge and skills by str iving to take a leading position); and the demographic growth of the population of countries in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East (the educated people from the whole population is 45–50 percent) ( Vitkovskiy, September, 28, 2018). All of these are serious challenges (complexities). Thus, it is important to understand whether these challenges are disruptive, or an opportunity to rethink and transform the educational system? What skills are needed to thrive in the era of knowledge economy and global challenges? It is argued that one apparent solution is the development of education focused on different models of key competencies (Vitkovskiy, September, 28, 2018).

          Indeed, the modern education being a public institution developed by society itself has become not only accessible and open to all people, but also individualized and highly prestigious (Sagintayeva et al., 2021). As a result, its new design has led to an increase in information as the main resource, which may have consequences in the future, according to scholars of Nazarbayev University (Sagintayeva et al., 2021). However, scholars have also pointed out that if there is no growth in improving the quality of life of the population through the integration of the efforts of the state to create a more humanistic and inclusive society and business environment, software and technology, otherwise, the next stage of industrial development will lead to such consequences as, for example, job cuts, technological unemployment, and a sharp increase in inequality among the population (Sagintayeva et al., 2021). Hence, in order to reduce the risk of consequences from challenges, it is necessary to develop knowledge economy among the population directly related to the information technology revolution. This is important, since factors such as the irreversible process of digital transformation, the unwillingness of the education staff themselves to change, outdated knowledge, skills, and their non-adaptive organizational culture will hinder the achievement of rapid indicators of economic growth and quality in education and science (Sagintayeva et al., 2021). In order to prevent risks and consequences, an effective educational system and an innovative ecosystem (research developments) need to be developed (Vitkovskiy, September, 28, 2018; Kozhakhmetov, Nikiforova, and Maralbayeva, as cited in Kurakbayev and Sagintayeva, 2016).

          Given this situation, it is not surprising that the requirements for the quality of an expert or (a specialist) and the level of their training have grown, significantly. Today, not just specialists with degrees and diplomas are required, but employees who are able to generate and integrate innovative knowledge and science from different areas, and at the same time to master quickly new areas and technologies. However, the main result of the education process (secondary and tertiary) today is the skill of ‘continuous independent learning’ within the framework of the model of systemic thinking and erudition (Vitkovskiy, September, 28, 2018) (as a kind of quick pictorial or musical sketch, which is necessary for a quick immersion in the meaningful context of the future compositional work). Consequently, with the development of technology and the acceleration of production processes in the economy, the role of new and innovative knowledge and quality education and the potential of a person who is able to generate ideas through intellectual work is increasing. Broadly speaking, for the new economy being global, there is a need of an innovative type of mindset based on new economic knowledge, skills, and competencies obtained through self-organising communities and educational ecosystems, as   Vitkovskiy (September, 28, 2018) argues.

          Obviously, modern education should be aimed at training creative individuals (Sagintayeva et al., 2021). Today, the ideal employee is a person thinking creatively with broad competencies from various areas (fields) (Sagintayeva et al., 2021). We argue that for the construction of such a model of a personality, modern education should be aimed at developing of the education context that is able to cultivate soft skills; because soft skills (analytical and critical thinking, teamwork, positive emotional attitude, empathy, the ability to be inspired by new ideas) contribute to breakthrough ideas and innovations. As scholars note that the main breakthrough ideas arise at the junction of interdisciplinary knowledge and cross-functional skills (skills that are formed through project management and which are implemented at the junction of several different types of project activities) (Vitkovskiy, September, 28, 2018).

          In the context of a radical transformation and transition to ‘knowledge economy’ (Kozhakhmetov and Nikiforova, 2017, as cited in Kurakbayev and Sagintayeva, 2017), educational organisations (universities) must fulfill their historical role by becoming universities of the new economy for society and for everyone. According to Sagintayeva and her colleagues (2021), the universities of the future should involve an increasing number of people by giving them the opportunity to learn throughout their lives. In other words, universities should focus not on the model of  ‘on themselves’, but on the model  to ‘be for all’ (Sagintayeva et al., 2021). At the same time, it is extremely important to understand that their relevance in the age of the VUCA  world (the era of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) (Kurakbayev and Sagintayeva 2017, as cited in  Kurakbayev and Sagintayeva,2017) depends on innovative adaptive management models and effective strategies  (Sagintayeva et al., 2021) which  will be adjusted  (applied) to the specific context  of  an educational organisation,  as well as the willingness of employees to quickly learn and adapt to global complexities (challenges and pressures). At the same time, issues such as access to education, sustainability, quality, new partnerships, research and funding should become key issues  (priorities) in planning universities of the future (Sagintayeva et al., 2021), as the modern educational space of open universities is being built through the active participation of many organizations and stakeholders  (Sagintayeva et al., 2021). However, it is worth noting that the problem of scaling education is still a matter of discussion between politicians and education leaders, since modern education has already the status of accessible and open. Universities today are no longer the only institutions that have access to knowledge and promote learning (Sagintayeva et al., 2021). In this regard, given the nature of global challenges, the question arises: what are the perspectives for Kazakhstan in the era of global, transformational trends, which has a vast territory (9th place in the world in terms of size), and 18 million people who speak three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English?

          An analysis of the current state of education in Kazakhstan shows that there are still a number of difficulties. This means that we have facts testifying to the crisis of the education system. At the same time, today neither scientists nor we have no a clearly formed understanding of what the economy of Kazakhstan will be like even in 7-10 years, despite the fact that the management of human capital and its resources requires the capability to see on the horizon of 100-200 years  (Vitkovskiy, September, 28, 2018). Therefore, it is difficult to predict the results (specifically teaching and learning outcomes) of not only the recent National Plan of Kazakhstan (the plan for the development of functional literacy of schoolchildren for 2012-2016), but also the state plan (program) to provide greater freedom (autonomy) to higher education institutions (Sagintayeva et al., 2021; Sagintayeva and Kurakbayev, 2015). Research data shows that today the leaders of the world educational systems are still such countries as “Finland (0.99), South Korea, Hong Kong, Japan (0.89), Singapore (0.84), Great Britain (0.60)” (Zubochkina, 2016). Given that education leaders, education policymakers, scholars, and practitioners should think of what was missing in reforms?

          We believe that in order to achieve qualitative indicators of transformational changes, a systematic approach is needed, both at the state level and the local and regional levels, which will simultaneously restart schools, colleges, and universities. At the same time, an own and effective strategy for the development of human capital is needed based on national values and traditions, as the main factor in the development of the country and the success and well-being of each individual. And, therefore, the process of formation of each individual able to compete in a complex and dynamic world, will depend on what kind of education system we build today. As Shigeu Katsu (President of Nazarbayev University) noted that in order to compete with developed countries, Kazakhstan must be open to the global community by attracting top talents from Central Asia and other countries of the world through high-quality research and partnerships (Qazaq TV, YouTube, July, 29, 2021), and by creating hubs (research centers connecting different types of practices) and educational ecosystems known as educational and cultural institutions independently engaged in research projects  (YouTube, July, 29, 2021; Vitkovskiy, September, 28, 2018). These centers and ecosystems will contribute to the emergence of breakthrough projects and highly intelligent products, according to the scientists  Vitkovskiy (September,28,2018) and Kozhakhmetov, Nikifirova, and Maralbayeva  (2016, as cited in Sagintayeva and Kurakbayev, 2016). Such an innovative environment will arouse people’s interest in creativity and the acquisition of new knowledge. However, scholars declare that there will be three pillars, such as «infrastructure, knowledge processing and the entrepreneurial component» which will determine the qualitative basis for the activities of educational organisations  (Vitkovskiy, September, 28, 2018).


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