Нұржан Айғали

Страна: Казахстан

Нуржан Ертайулы Айгали родился в 1997 году 15 сентября в городе Алматы. До шестого класса учился в №13 школе-гимназий. Потом поступил в казахско-турецкий лицей им. А.Малькеева в городе Иссык, затем учился в колледже им. С.Демиреля в Алматы.

Сейчас является студентом университета им. Абылай хана на факультете «Переводческое дело». Он участвовал в районных, областных и республиканских олимпиадах, был награжден дипломами. А так же участвовал на олимпиаде «Жарқын болашақ» в Астане и занял первое место в номинаций «Молодой писатель», получил первое место в конкурсе в номинаций «Лучщий редактор» который проходил в КазНУ им. аль-Фараби.

Нуржан с детства интересуется писанием и рисованием. Его рисунки и статьти были опубликованы в различных изданиях. В журнале «Мөлдір бұлақ», на газете «Qazaqstan Zamany», на сайте «Елана» часто публикуются его статьи на спортивную и политическую тематику.

Сountry: Kazakhstan

Nurzhan Yertaiuly Aigali was born in 1997 on 15th of September in Almaty. Until the sixth grade he studied at school №13 gymnasium. Then he entered the Kazakh-Turkish Lyceum named after A.Malkeyev in the city of Issyk, then studied at S.Demirel college in Almaty. Now he is a student at the University named after Abylai Khan at the Faculty of Translation Studies. He participated in regional, destrict and republican olympiads, was awarded diplomas. As well as participated in the Olympics «Zharkyn bolashak» in Astana and won first place in the nominations «Young Writer», won first place in the contest in the nominations «The Best Editor» which was held in KazNU named after al-Farabi.

Nurzhan from childhood is interested in writing and drawing. His drawings and articles were published in various publications. In the magazine «Moldir bulak», on the newspaper «Qazaqstan Zamany», on the «Elana» website his articles are often published on sports and political subjects.

Wormwood behind ocean

The boyBobby by name, with his sparkling eyes saw again this fine dream. The cool spring wind is close to his soul. He lives in a high house and there are many tall houses around. Here, the windows ofNew York houses look at him with surprise. Bobbythinks these windows are their eyes.The light from the windows filled his room.His black prick hair with snub nose on theworried face and mole on the right cheek became brighter. Bobby looks like a seven years old boy. After all, the dream worries him again and again.

    …Desert with its moving sand is like gold. The blue sky is high.Crooked grown up branches.He is barefooted and naked. Not in his hands but beneath his body he has a wooden toy horse. He is galloping. «Hey, hey!»he screams. Samovar is boing. The house is far. It is like a yurt. His granny with her white clothes looks kindly and tenderly at his face. Bobby slipped up and fell.This grandmother came running to him. She was tellinghim strange words but very tender.

    − Kulynym! Botam!– Very pleasant warm words. They made his heart verywarm. The grandmother embraced him, held high and kept repeatingthose words.

    − Kulynym! Botam!− Bobby liked those words. The grandmother led him to a hillock. In her hand she had a small little plant. He did not know where she had got it. She smelt it and gave it to him to smell. Oh, what a smell! What a remarkable adore! Each time you smell it, your mood rises. A little bit a bitter smell.But it is so pleasant to the soul. The grandmother gavethe plant to him and he smells it. Oh, his heart began to sing.Suddenly birds with human faces took his grandmother to the sky and flew away. Very amazing, Bobbyfelt thatheis wormwood. His soul started to beat from joy.He cried.

    − Azhe! Azhe!

He woke up. When Bobbyopened his black eyes he realized he was in the bedroom. The dream came again to him. Bobby told this dream to his parents. But they did not evenunderstand the word “Azhe” means. They told it to everybody. Moreover they wanted to learn much about Bobby’s native land called Kazakhstan, which is far away from the ocean.At last they understood what is meant by “Azhe”. Surprise came after understanding.Both of them felt ashamed as they never have heard of Bobby’s origin. They, father Jack and mother Emmy wrote a letter to Bobby’s motherland describing his dream. Nobody knows when there will be an answer.

Jack and Emmy fell in love with each other, then got married. Their life was happy, there was a real well being. Such life lasted 10 years. But there was only one trouble – no children. It was a real grief. One day they discussed the matter. They couldn’t find a child in the USA, to wait for the turn during 10 years was impossible. They even asked their acquaintances what to do. Soon they found out that the former wealthy empire USSR ruined. There appeared young countries which got independence.Among all the nations Kazakh people attracted their attention most of all. Jack and Emmy came to Kazakhstan. The life there was poor, people lived in poverty. Though the people were so few, orphans were sold. With so many orphanages!

    Jack and Emmy were not in a hurry to find a child. Suddenly they caught sight of a 2 years old child with black eyes. The boy was looking at them and laughing. Hisname was Boribay, which they changed toBobby. He was registered 9515, which showed the number of children sold abroad.

    They loved thischarming boy, as if he was their child. HelearnedEnglish rapidly, then a computer all by himself. He was good at music. Their thoughts were occupied only about the boy, even at work time.They could hardly wait till evening. And then Bobby began to have dreams. After dreams an illness came to Bobby. He often told them about some unknown plant. What plant was it?He had a wish to smell that plant. No matter how often Bobby was examined by best doctors, nobody could give a correct diagnosis. Emmy with her kind heart said one day:

    − Jack! That plant is a healforBobby. We should find it anyway or we should lose our Bobby. − She cried.Mother’s heart cannot lie.It is great! There came an answer for their message. Bobbie – Boribay’s ancestors lived in desert Kyzylkum. The round house is a nationalKazakh dwelling.There was a car crash in which his parents died. Bobby stayed with his grandmother Kalamkas. When Bobby was a year and a half, she passed away. Boribay was sent to anorphanage. And the plant which he dreamed wascalleda wormwood.

    Wormwood… Wormwood… Jack and Emmy were searching for it throughout in America. That plant can grow only in Kazakhstan.Even if you wrote a letter, there will be an answer in a month or two. Each day Bobby became weaker and weaker. The parents bought tickets to fly. At last they came to Kazakhstan. They took a car and could hardly come to Syrdariariver. What agold autumn. All the steppes of Kyzylkum were covered with salt.There exist 17 kinds of this plant in Kazakhstan. It is a herb for cure. It can be used as medicine, vitamin and oil.

And now the little child is standing on the sand holding the wormwood and smelling it with all his soul. His eyes are shining. Bobby is born again! Daddy Jack and mum Emmy are full of joy. Jack runs and tears off a branch of grass and handles it to Bobby. The boy made a toy horse and galloped. He laughs happily.

    – Azhe! (Granny) – He cried in a thin voice.

    – Bobby! Boribay! Kulynym! Botam!

    His parents laugh in answer and run with their child…


Remark:Samovar – is a national kettle which is boiled with woods

Yurt – is a national round dwelling for nomads

Kulynym, botam – very tender words for little children

Azhe – Kazakh word for grandmother

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