Людмила Ангелуца

Страна : Россия

Я поэтесса. Пишу стихи на русском и английском языках. По образованию учитель, преподавала английский язык. С недавнего времени участвую в различных российских и международных литературных конкурсах. Я люблю русский могучий язык, на котором слагал стихи Пушкин и английский язык, на котором слагали стихи Шекспир и Байрон. Обожаю литературу!

Country : Russia

I’m a poetess. I write poetry in Russian and English. By education, a teacher, taught English. I have recently participated in various Russian and international literary competitions. I love the mighty Russian language, in which Pushkin composed poems, and the English language, in which Shakespeare and Byron wrote there poems. I love literature!

Перевод стихотворений Людмилы Дубковецкой

The Birch


The leaves are dancing, left and right,

The sun has set behind the fields,

A castle and a young queen-bride

Is waiting for the king, is reeled.


A slender waist on legs, an ode

Is hearing by the guitar string.

She’s turning out her sight to road,

She’s singing to the hills on spring.


She’s asking own through this song,

An alder’s singing… As resume:

The autumn fly the wind along

To hurry up her king-bridegroom.


The falling redheads foliage noise,

The throne became so cold to her.

And like that wind her clear voice

Is refreshing hillsides she prefers.

Autumn euphoria


In the peignoir of white pines,

Splashed by drops in the window,

The autumn shows the sky lines,

Here an erotic movie blows .

These are the naked trees.

These are the naked bushes.

How beautiful are naked these

The wind spins and shushes!

The nature has all naked,

With no doubt or a shame,

The apple tree even waked

To undress her clothes in game.

Looking at this dance that

Tries call us to fly with him,

Soon I decided, in blush, what

I can do as this nature stream.

I naked up my shoulders,

Go deeper to décolletage,

With earrings-burning holders,

With my necklace in stage.

I take my gloves of autumn,

I throw them under bed,

My red lips like a blossom,

My make-up- really not bad!

That so, autumn! Let us look

Who will win- me or you?

We’ll bet on warming took .

There I go like in picture,

Swimming up on that puddles.

Soon droved a car figure,

Well, autumn…your time legal.


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