Страна : Россия
Гончарова Ариадна — ученица 8 класса общеобразовательной школы, выпускного класса оркестрового отделения по классу скрипки, 3 класса фортепианного отделения, участница старшего скрипичного и вокального ансамблей детской школы искусств г. Ейска, Краснодарского края. Первая литературная публикация состоялась в 2011 году на «Вектор-успеха.рф: портале для детей и подростков» как участницы конкурса «Сказка в новогоднюю ночь» в номинации «Стихи и рассказы о Рождестве и Новом годе» знакомство с организаторами которого произошло в австрийском городе Раттен на образовательном семинаре по билингвизму, где была соавтором и ученицей-участницей мультфильма «Про А и Б» в составе международной команды во главе научного сотрудника Universitaet Greifswald доктора Екатерины Кудрявцевой (ФРГ) и педагога Евгении Ершовой (Китай). Во Всероссийском конкурсе «Лучший урок письма — 2012» заняла II место в Ейском районе Краснодарского края.
Country : Russia
Goncharova Ariadne is a student of class 8 of secondary school, graduating class of orchestral Department, violin class, 3 class piano Department, member of senior violin and vocal ensembles of the school of arts of the city of Eysk, Krasnodar territory. The first literary publication was held in 2011 on » Vector of success.Russian Federation: portal for children and adolescents» as a participant of the contest «fairy Tale on new year’s eve» in the category «Poems and stories about Christmas and New year» acquaintance with the organizers of which took place in the Austrian city of Ratten at an educational seminar on bilingualism, where she was a co-author and student-participant of the cartoon «Pro A and B» as part of an international team headed by a researcher at the Universitaet Greifswald Dr. Ekaterina Kudryavtseva (Germany) and teacher Eugenia Ershova (China). In the all — Russian competition «best writing lesson-2012» took II place in Yeisk district of Krasnodar region.
Перевод рассказа » The first violin «( » Первая скрипка «) автора Ольги Губернской
She always felt Providence in her life. Fragments of the memory of her childhood formed into numerous pictures of a kaleidoscope, when one winter evening for the first time I saw the streets of the Don capital. Then it was not clear what will become for her this city. In it, a doll with a huge bow for the first time will see the performance of the visiting ballet company and immediately realize that the sounds of orchestral music will become familiar and necessary for her presence. On stage, the dancer in the headdress under violin solo did graceful steps fervent Russian dance. The play-business card of the Russian ballet «Swan Lake» will forever place accents in the soul. The image of a Swan, a lake, a fairy tale-all this is now in her life.
Russian composer, Russian violinist and Russian musicologist will become Holy patrons in her life later. She will remain a habit to listen to the elderly.
They habitually hurried along Platov Avenue, holding hands-mother and daughter – far in the evening in the late seventies. Among the noise of public transport and other people’s conversations, the little dancer said in the affirmative:
— When I grow up, I will have a daughter-mermaid!
— Well, if your husband is a blonde man…
The woman looked at her five-year-old daughter with a smile, surprised at the unexpected topic of conversation, approaching the porch of an old building with stucco work on the facade, which housed a ballet Studio, where a talkative and judicious girl danced, reincarnating in the images of fairy-tale heroines. In the evenings she is not much older her sister looked at the white screen colored painting magical stories followed one another, as in the house, in addition to the extensive library of children’s books, was a collection of filmstrips. The imagination of the little spectator took her along with the characters to distant warm countries, when she was sick with bronchitis; she traveled among the sea waves, remembering the annual trip to the sea to visit relatives and country vacation on Swan Lake, which locals called Gypsy. Floating in the transparent-mirror water among the rocket and willow thickets, the little dreamer thought herself either a small Swan from the ballet of the Russian composer, or a character — a duckling of a fairy tale by a Danish writer. Long-haired mermaid splashing in the Azov sea foam waves, rare meeting with your favorite old men fill the soul with realization of self-ness. She remembered her baptism well and was aware of every word she said in the temple on Tamanskaya Street. The gray-bearded priest, singing vowels with his velvet baritone, «stretched»: «O-O-Olga!»
The Church font to refresh your memory the magic of the grandmother’s words under the jet-threads out of the jar:
— Like water off a duck, so Olechka any trouble!
All the women in the family played the piano. This family tradition made to translate the ancient black tool with chandeliers and openwork carving from home in a service apartment, which was noisy-cradled poplar, and mom played the waltz «Danube waves» once again at her request, was forced to whirl, whirl, whirl! Each time, returning home in the evening, the girl sat on a spinning chair near the instrument and «upset» him with his stormy and inept game, for this reason, the parents hurried to make it more and a student of the music school. In the old mansion of the selection Committee with affection listened to her performances of the song, that, in turn, from the heart and aplodiruesh, repeating rhythmic patterns after teacher, having received the approval. But the doors of this school it will open only five years.
Soon, visiting the Moscow Olympics, in an international car, carried them across half the country; the family will cross the Eastern border. The strip of horizon among Gobi now for a long time separated the Novocherkassk past from the desert present without the white hall and Pointe shoes filled with listening of plates with fairy tales among which and the different destiny of five peas told by the actor, accompanied by the same sounding of a violin touching to depth of soul. The instrument sang a lingering melody that took the child to distant lands, where her thoughts fly swallows and swans, where elves and fairies, dwarves and trolls from read and heard her tales. Prima-book, a gift from my parents for school, a collection of Russian writers, among them Ivan Andreevich Bunin, Alexander Ivanovich Kuprin, Dmitry Narkisovich Mamin-Sibiryak, Alexei Alexeevich Perovski, telling her about old times and customs, events that seem fantastic, but when something really happened not with her. Among the favorite quickly the place of honor is not only a poet and writer, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, violinist Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov. With the lessons of the Russian language she will be lucky — they will give etymological minutes, allowing you to quickly learn to distinguish the native from the alien,» his «from alien». Early took on an honorable mission-a native speaker of culture and language, enough to play in the Cossacks robbers of the vast desert, she returned to the country, which will soon be called by its former name-Russia. Fate will return the family to a familiar city, where an amazing old man will open the doors of the musical world for the grown-up schoolgirl. He tells her a lot about Russian history, culture, considering it to be an able student, even mentioning the beloved. It was he-a tall intellectual in a classic black suit — will bestow her excellent grades, immersing in the literature about music. His assistants will be known around the world – Sergei Prokofiev, Dmitry Kabalevsky… Musicologist will tell her about them, his lifetime friends, as the newly presented, unknown and incomprehensible geniuses in memory lessons. From him she learns that many of the songs she sang as a child written by his close friend, a graduate of the Novocherkassk music school, Tamara Popatenko, whose works then sang the whole country. This musical giant will acquaint the student with the work of his best friend, the virtuoso violinist Konstantin Mikhailovich Dumchev, who played for the Imperial family, who gave at the time the world tour and survived with him the difficult war years in the occupied city. In it, even in those dashing times, the teacher-musician-the grandson of the Archpriest of the majestic Don Cathedral-continued to serve the sick mother, God and music. Knowing brilliantly, in addition to her native Russian, English, French, German and Japanese languages, this strong Russian woman will lay in her son a whole world: it will be for her, forever immobilized, the only open window in life. He will not be in the year when the student will be a student-philologist and she will become a mother in the early nineties. First eyed little boy will be the dedication of the temple in which the mother had «its» the icon and the temple; this will be for her always. Glinka and Mussorgsky, Balakirev and Rimsky-Korsakov, the real stories of the prototype characters of famous operas and ballets will lead her son along the long road of Russian history and culture.