Страна: США
Я родом из Алматы и сейчас живу в Маунтин-Вью, Калифорнии, чтобы плавать в океане и ходить в горы с моей собакой Лорой. Я верю в силу слов и историй и в то, как они могут влиять на жизни людей. Одно из моих любимых воспоминаний детства — это вечера в деревне, где у нас не было воды из-под крана и стабильного электричества, когда мой дедушка Шыгай ставил керосиновую лампу и читал нам книги, которые он перевел. Тогда я и влюбилась в волшебство историй, но мне потребовались годы, чтобы набраться смелости и начать создавать самой — фотографировать, рисовать, писать. Надеюсь, вы получите такое же удовольствие от этих книг, которое я получила, работая над ними.
Country: USA
I’m from Almaty, Kazakhstan, and moved to Mountain View, California, to swim in the ocean and explore the outdoors with my Siberian Husky Lora. I believe in the power of words and stories and the way they can influence people’s lives. My favorite childhood memories are evenings in the village, where we didn’t have running water and stable electricity when my grandpa Shygai used to set up a kerosene lamp and read us books he translated. This is when I fell in love with the magic of stories but it took me years to work up the courage to start creating myself — taking photos, drawing, and writing. I hope you’ll enjoy the books as much as I enjoyed writing them.
Отрывок из серии книг “She wanted flowers, She was loud, She was tired”
Book 1: She wanted flowers
She wanted flowers
And felt so lucky
Cuz there’s special someone
Who could read her mind
That special person
Could get her flowers
And everything else
Her heart desires
The only person
Who can read her mind
Turns out — the biggest critic
In her life
She needs to ask
This special person
The biggest critic
Who can read her mind
“Please be patient enough to listen
Be kind enough to care
As I’m achieving everything
My mind can dare”
You wanna know
…who is this person
Who can read her mind?
The answer is easy –
She herself is the only person who can read her mind
Now, don’t forget
You are that person
The only person
Who can read your mind
And please be patient
Please be kind
As you go on
To live your life
Book 2: She was loud
She laughed from her belly
She was loud
Oh, yes
It didn’t please the crowds
They told her
Be a good girl
Stay in your corner
Just be quiet
But then came her best friend
And took her hand
And told her:
It is okay to be loud
Oh, you wanna know
…who is her supportive friend?
The answer is easy –
She is her own best friend
Now, don’t forget
Your bestest friend is you
Give yourself a big warm hug
And live a life that pleases you
Please claim your space
Please dare, be loud
Be yourself and don’t hold back
That is the way to make you proud
Book 3: She was tired
One day, she was so tired
And didn’t feel her best
All she needed
Was some sleep and rest
Another day, she was so tired
Felt pretty sad and uninspired
She needed air and some space
To find her sunny happy place
There was a day when she was tired
The world seemed gloomy and unkind
A friend’s warm hug and gentle words
Were only things to give her hope
One day she felt so lost, so tired
Felt mad and sad, and fought, and cried
And couldn’t recognize herself
No matter how hard she tried
She braced herself and asked for aid
And over time let sadness fade
Made time for play, and joy, and zen
Felt like herself, enjoyed her life again
Please lay down your arms and swords
They don’t always open the right doors
Don’t be afraid, ask for support
Rely on friends to win these wars
Being tired is okay
Just promise me one thing
Learn to recognize
What kind of rest you need
(2 оценок, среднее: 5,00 из 5)