Страна: Нигерия
Country: Nigeria
To use my work to spread the message of love and hope.To use my work to spread the message of love and hope.
Fall in love .
As the rain drops bubbles of singing glee,
into the ocean river of tears,
falling in love with the drizzles,
silent noise calmed down the nerves of gravity,
the winds plays the cellos,
falling in love with the moment.
Open up your heart and fall in love,
with the breathe, bliss, blessings,
that surrounds the beauty of life.
Take your hands out of the broken bottles,
it hurts, and only build up the walls of pain,
Arise! and surely you will see the radiance of merriment,
performing a ballet with the tides of sweet memories,
if you fall in love with letting go.
Take the World stage with your stars,
fall in love with the sun of determination ,
give your dreams a feet to walk on Water.
Why keep wearing the facemask of regret?
staying isolated in fear,
why keep playing those bitter lines?
crowning depression every night,
when you are the miracle of amazing grace.
Take your life out from the abyss of tormented Hell,
and give it to the joy, mirth, forgiveness,
which runs in your inner Heaven..
fall in love.
This moment is where the magic Lies..
Time tickles the imagination of the trees staring at the stardom of dreams,
dress with the garment of emerald,
on the meadows,
cascading to the humming winds,
kissing the barefoot of gravity,
listening to the tremble and timbre of echoes,
illuminating beneath the silent Sea.
Have your eyes enraptured by the beauty of this miracle,
think of the divine stars laying sunshine on the cherry blossom ,
droplets of easy winds cradling the petals of the tulips ,
relishing grandiose of warm purity,
the startling dahlia painting the rainbows of Paradise,
as the sailing bees faintly whisk around the verdant castle of hope,
and the innocent doves
beaming peace,
sincerely making the sky to gently fall in love with the crisps of incessant wits,
weaving butterflies of goosebumps unto the carefree clouds,
which listen to the clasps of every enchanting flaps.