Страна: Казахстан

С раннего детства я интересуюсь творческой деятельностью.
Мне нравится читать интересные книги, журналы, фильмы, переводить фильмы и писать разные истории и эссе.
Творчество-это, что-то необыкновенное!
Country: Kazakhstan
I have been interested in creative work since my childhood.
I like reading interesting books, magazines, movies, translating films, writing stories and essay.
Creativity is something unordinary!
Отрывок из сборника коротких рассказов(A big small dog)
A letter to the United Nations
The family was watching a TV and had had lunch. It was said on the TV: “Plenty of people dying from the hunger in this continent, unfortunately even the children, in fact, a child passes away in Africa every 6 seconds”!
Aigul said: Oh no, it is not fair!
Mother asked: What`s wrong honey?
Children must not die from hunger!
TV: If you would like to help those kids, just call 87272 45 5545 or send money by bank account, at least in an envelope to the following address.
Right, I`ll do it, I gather money and I’ll send money to the UN. But, wait, what is
UN daddy?
Well, my darling, it`s an organization who solves the most important problems of the world.
It was usual school day teachers teaching, pupils having the classes, some pupils were going to school, some were going out. They`ve caught the side of one thing,
in a big hall there has been put a big box. Curious boys and girls had looked at the box, there was written below “Every day a child dies in Africa and we are the children should prevent it, please any money would be helpful”. When the 1 st lesson had finished Aigul immediately went to check the box whether money donated but she mourned, as there was nothing. She made up her mind checking the box after whole classes over. She worried that if nobody would put money into the box, what if collected money would be a few and it could not help at least 1 kid. This girl had an unusual motivation, even it wouldn`t be successful, she would go to other schools.
“There was no time to giving up”- she thought. As it was time, a noble girl was worrying deep in her soul. A bit sad, she opened it, fortunately, there was pretty a lot of money. There was a smile on her face. She kept the box for a month. By that time the total amount of money became 10 thousand tenges. On one of Sundays, she got a paper and started to write a letter to the UN.
Hello I am from Kazakstan, the city of Kyzylorda.
Dear Uncles and Aunts who work at the UN. First of all, I am thankful for you,what you do is noble and kind. I know you face with dozen of problems. I am sure no matter what difficulties are out there we have you. And I and the whole world will stand up to make things ok. I am very sorry for those kids in Africa, honestly, sometimes I cry at nights as we are losing the kids. I don’t` want them to die, I would like every child has a mum, a dad, and they have the right to have fun, and of course, have the right not to starve. Sometimes I wish to have a magic stick, by pointing my magic stick to starving children, in 1 second they will have all delicious food on the table, but I know there isn`t a thing like a magic stick, so it is helpless. Hope in the future, we`ll win this terrible thing as hunger, by the way, our schoolchildren donated some money, and I am sending it to you. Thanks and
Good luck with your job!
Sincerely Aigul.