Asya Lvovna

страна: Казахстан

Хамзина Асемгуль Арыстановна
Писатель-сказочник, социолог, социальный работник, психолог и журналист. Закончила в 14 лет двухгодичные курсы «Журналистика» в г. Алматы (Европейская Школа Корреспондентского Обучения). В период с 2004-2007 года публиковалась как юный корреспондент в городских и областных периодических изданиях Акмолинской области «Степной Маяк», «Лидер», «Курс», «Мобильная газета». Ныне автор личных рассказов SILENTIUM 2017 г. в основу которого легли авторские иллюстрации и фотографии. В январе 2017 году сборник рассказов завоевал приз зрительских симпатий на международном конкурсе молодых писателей, проходившем в городе Сумы (Украина), был также опубликован на казахстанском сайте, на российских сайтах Студопедия, poisk-ru и т.д. Отобранные рассказы также опубликованы в научном сборнике г. Казань «Одарённость и её развитие».
Принимала участие в республиканском конкурсе X-Factor Kazakhstan в 2014 году и являлась гостем на телевизионной передаче «Общага» в 2016 году.

country: Kazakhstan

Khamzina Asemgul Arystanovna

Asemgul is a writer — storyteller, sociologist, psychologist and journalist. When she was 14 years old she passed two-year “Journalism” courses in Almaty (European correspondence school). During 2004 and 2007 she published as a young newsman in municipal and regional periodical literature in Akmola region such as “Steppe light”, “Leader”, “Course”, “Mobile newspaper”.
Now Asemgul is an author of personal stories book called “SILENTIUM 2017”, which is based on original illustrations and photos. In 2017 the personal stories book had taken a “People’s choice award” on international competition of young writers which passed in Sumy (Ukraine). It was also published on Kazakhstan-based web-sites called “”, “”, and Russian-based web-sides such as “Studopedia”, “Poisk-ru” and etc. Her selected stories also were published in Kazan.
Se had taken part in republic competition “X-factor Kazakhstan” in 2014 and was a guest on TV -show “The dorm” in 2016 in Penza.


“A day in the life


A novel “A day in the life” is a narrative of destiny of the main characters in the edge of the day. A typical autumn day of Mark Welton begins with a walking stick  in a trip on the public transport where the surrounding is turned out in  halo effect. The chessman  continues to find his life meaning  in black and white tones with wooden dolls and claims that love is an ability not to sick, even not to draw a parallel but to accept your person totally even with a stick. His past experience stands as barrier which during a long period of time have been showing itself like a present…

Mark and Donna are young and loving to each other people. The first meeting in the park, riding on merry-go-rounds makes him think about break up, but he forcefully throws back them from himself. Is he able to stand against them? But thoughts truthfully are ready to be realized.

The main character thinks up his future actions beforehand, when Donna Banks is taken to the hospital on surgery, then to the home for the disabled where she is learning to sew in spite of skin burns from her childhood in Turbogs.

In a long while the destiny again brings them together in order to show, tell and answer to many questions, building a parallel between a  lonely girl and the loafer whose love consists of with special possibilities, merry-go-round and the autumn season. People are pieces in their lives and instead of desired they get deserved. Donna Banks and Mark Welton are not the exception of it..


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