Павел Погадаев

Страна : Россия/Беларусь

Country : Russia/Belarus

Ревью на книгу Елены Безруковой “Проективная графика “

What’s the way one defines a work or an act of art? It’s all about the background (one’s past & experience) and surroundings (one’s present and circumstances). As soon as part of mentioned above changes, enriches and develops, the acceptance of wider forms of art comes along.

Two psychologists from Kazakhstan, Yelena Bezrukova (Mussyienko) and Valentina Tikhomirova, colleagues and also good friends, have discovered for themselves and others a new way of artistic expression. The one known as Graphelvas or Projective Graphics, which among others represents the vast stream of modern art, based on interaction and expression of one’s consciousness.

The story of this book begins around 20 years ago, from such familiar circumstances of a dull public lecture. That’s when Yelena’s pen started to draw lines forming meaningful figures. What a fluke that Valentina was the one seating next to her! As it usually follows the pure intention, there comes the doubt. But in the eyes of Valentina Tikhomirova these napkins and pieces of paper, marked with swipes of Yelena Bezrukova’s pen, were not only projections of her introspection, but mostly the way of creative self-expression and artistic intentions. Later, the process of surfing around the ink curves became a part of the author’s meditation routine, guiding her through the difficult times.

Although what might be seen as a child’s curlicues, Graphelvas defines its best in this quotation: “Projective Graphics actually demands a rather virtuosic working knowledge of the culture of the drawn line, as well as a broad background in modern visual culture”. The endless variety of heroes and situations, speaking loudly from each curve of the line, rises before your eyes. What a gym for one’s imagination! Proceeding from page to page, one’s mind splits a spectacular cartoon of life’s splendid prosperity.

With some reasonable precautions, suggested by Valentina Tikhomirova, this artistic and psychological technique opens a promising way to become an artist with the easiest means.

Hold on to your watchfulness and imagination, this pen in your hand is capable of much more!

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