Страна : Россия
Я живу в Москве. Закончила МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова. Кандидат юридических наук. Получила степень ЛЛМ в Лондонском университете. Являюсь автором книг «Волшебное кольцо», «Фокс», «Путешествие за мечтой», «Солнечный зайчик», «Любовь сквозь время». Имею много публикации в литературных журналах и сборниках.
Country : Russia
I live in Moscow. I graduated from Moscow State Lomonosov University, PhD in Law. I also obtained LLM from the University of London. I wrote several books for children such as “The magic ring”, “Fox”, “Love through the time”, “The journey for a dream” and e.t.c. I have many publications in literary journals.
When you walk on the edge of the knife…
When you walk
On the edge of a knife,
I will pray
For your health and your life.
When you sleep,
I’ll be wind for a while,
Touch your lips and your face,
And you’ll smile.
In the morning,
You’ll open your eyes,
I’ ll be far- far away.
I am wise.
But I’ll leave you
My love and some magic.
And your life will be
Never so tragic.