Мария Сейшельская

Страна : Россия

Родилась в Москве в 1987 году. Окончила Московский государственный лингвистический университет (МГЛУ) по специальности переводчик английского языка. Учусь на 3 курсе магистратуры в Дипломатической Академии МИД России на факультете «международное публичное право». Работала за границей 15 лет. Увлекаюсь верховой ездой. Занималась акробатикой, каратэ.
Люблю путешествовать, посетила много стран: Китай, Камбоджа, Филиппины, Мьянму, Сейшелы, Бахрейн и т.д.

Country : Russia

I was born in Moscow in 1987. I have graduated from the Moscow State Linguistic University as an English interpreter. I study in the Diplomatic Academy of MFA at the faculty of the international public law. I have worked abroad for 15 years. 

I am fond of horse-riding. I devoted my time to acrobatics, karate.

I am an active traveller, visiting China, Cambodia, Philippines, Myanmar, Seychelles, Bahrein and so on.

Перевод стихотворения “Малышам”

Slumber song

We put down books,

We closed eyes,

We are calling for a fairy tale,

We went to sleep together.

A little mouse fell asleep in her hole,

A baby bird in her nest,

A kitty with his mum —

All are taking breath in the corner.

The stars are going for a walk on the sky,

All kids are falling asleep 

On comfortable pillows with soft toys.

The soldier is sleeping at watch,

The whirligig toy is in the box,

It is time for all to have a rest,

To go to bed altogether,

Tomorrow we’ll play in the daycare together.

Summer time

Summer came

And cold weather set burning,

Our kids went out to the lawn.

The ball and swing

Came flying in the air,

They diced the asphalt

With the chalk.

There are molds and small buckets

In the sand-pit,

The kids built big sand castles.

Our kids rushed from the brink,

Swam in the river,

Dissolved in the splashes of water.

The rainbow was awaken from a dream

And suddenly touched the earth —

Our kids are jumping and feeling on top of the world.

The Butterfly

The butterfly flied

And sat on the flower,

Its wings laid together

And the world was astonished by its beauty.

Come to our daycare

And take happiness 

To our kids’ palm.

Slumber song

My daughter is crying,

I am pitching her, singing:


Kittens are sleeping everywhere,

Sweet spring chickens, baby bird slept,

A little mouse took a nap.

Go to sleep, my daughter: ta-ta.

Go to sleep, my daughter: ta-ta.

Go to sleep my lovely, pretty baby,

Go to sleep quickly

And grow a little soon.


Your ABC book is sleeping,

Your doll has already slept,

It has already become dark,

Close your eyes, my star,

And sleep at onсe: ta-ta.

In the forest

A bear went through the forest

 Met a fox,

And gave credit to a fox for its beauty.

A fox went through the forest,

Found a hare on the stub

And gave credit to a hare for its wonderful fur.

A hare jumped through the forest,

Met a squirrel

And gave credit to a squirrel for its beautiful tail.

A squirrel jumped down,

Met a hedgehog

And gave credit to a hedgehog for its prickly body.

A hedgehog went through the forest,

Found a mouse

And gave credit to a mouse for its grey back.

A mouse run through the forest,

Met a spider

And gave credit to a spider for its pretty eyes.

Everybody met in the forest,

Surprising at each other,

Wiping tears from others faces

And inviting to its home.

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