Страна : Израиль 

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Людмила Чеботарёва (Люче) Поэт, прозаик, переводчик с английского, испанского и иврита. Автор и исполнитель песен. Родилась в Воронеже. Закончила с отличием факультет романо-германской филологии Воронежского государственного университета по специальности «английский язык и литература». Жила в России, Украине и Белоруссии. С 1993 года живёт в Израиле, в городе Нацрат Иллит.

Country : Israel 

Ludmilla Chebotarev (Luche) Poet, novelist, translator from English, Spanish and Hebrew, songwriter and performer. Born in Voronezh, Russia. Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Romanic and Germanic Philology of the Voronezh State University with a degree in English language and literature. Lived in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Since 1993 — living in Israel, in the city of Nazareth Illit and teaching English in primary, junior-high and high school (retired in 2013). The author of 8 poetry collections and more than 20 books for children and teenagers. Winner, laureate, finalist, organizer and jury member of many literary contests. Founder and President of the International Festival of Russian Poetry and Culture in Israel “David’s Harp”.

Перевод стихотворения «Космическая стиральная машина» Ирины Иванниковой

Space Washing Machine

My poor mom was very sad

When, sighing, said to dear dad,

“To Washers’ Heaven Washer’s gone,

Its washing job has not been done.”

Well, as for me, I’m not surprised,

Since long ago I realized

Our washer was, in fact, a drone!

On Earth, with us, it felt alone,

It lived a dull and boring life —

To wash and wash is really rife.

Though still it had a cherished hope —

To have the Space as boundless scope.

But then it blinked…

and twinkled…


In flight it isn’t up to work.

Translated by Luche (Ludmilla Chebotarev)

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